Friday, August 22, 2008

So i was on the computer and I thought about starcraft(a cool game)!
Woo starcraft kinda sounds like starwars if your homeschooled!
We had lots of cool army wars when I was younger.
Also when i was younger i thought, that food when all the way down to your toes.
Andrew Peterson has a song called Piggy little toes.
I have a finger puppet that's a pig.
Potter puppet pals is funny also!
Harry is a Potter( as in job).
I wish playing starcraft was my job.............

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Here's a llama !
There's a llama !
and another little llama!
Fuzzy Llama !
Funny Llama !
Llama Llama duck!
OK now that I'm done with that I (Meaning: Joel) would like (Meaning:wood life)
to talk(meaning: To talk) about something i saw at five guys.
the sign said ''dirt cheep eats''
So I went online to fine out if dirt was cheep!
1st I looked on eBay(Nothing)
2ND I looked on amazon(Nothing again)
3ed I look on Google( i fond a 16.99 book on dirt if you want i could send you the link)
So i ended up at Google looking at street view........

Monday, August 11, 2008

Fishing with Cody

During high the 2nd, on the fifth day of the week, Cody and I were walking over to the Tower, when we saw a very(decently) long thine of measuring tape.
From the 2nd floor we lowered it until it was right in front of the Donkey.
Much to our disperser he didn't bite, we did this again, and again, and then we found a Skittles raper (We used this as bate).
After trying the this for awhile on the donkey and on the ducks, But when didn't get a bite.
I began to think to myself "What if we don't have anything to eat tonight" but then we went and start fishing for the mice, and well the rest is history.